Heart Aneurysm Surgery by Bailey – First Case in Literature


- Presentation of the case operated by Bailey at the XII Brazilian Cardiology Society Congress on July, 1955 in Sao Paulo - Brazil, published by Doctor Quintiliano H. de Mesquita at Rev Hospital N. S. Aparecida, 1956:9;151 with reprint by Rev Hospital Matarazzo numbers 3 and 4, volume IX, 1956 - Summary


- Letter by Charles P. Bailey revealing the interest to operate the heart aneurysm according Doctor Mesquita's proposal. The patient was submitted to ventricular aneurysmectomy at Hahneman Hospital in Philadelphia on April, 15  - 1954, with Doctor Mesquita assisting the surgery.  (letter)


- Letter by Claude S Beck offering an alternative for the heart aneurysm surgery from Doctor Mesquita's patient. (letter)

